Christmas! How I Do It...
I have never really considered myself an organized person. HOWEVER, a lot of people think I am. When we started having children like rapid fire I QUICKLY realized that I had to get it together. Unless I wanted to be a mess all the time. No, Thank you. So, I came up with a system for pretty much everything. Chores, who sits in the front, the seating arrangement for dinner, etc... Due to the unfortunate event that I gave my sweet sister-in-law a turkey pan two Christmases in a row (I'm still really sorry about this...) I made a huge decision to WRITE DOWN the gifts we give. {And I keep the list for a few years so I know what I gave in years past.} This is really not hard. I just had to: a.) not lose my list; and b.) not let my emergent readers find it. So, This is how I do it. I bought a book called Simplify Your Holidays . It has a wealth of information and reproducible worksheets that are very valuable to me. I've been using this ...