
Showing posts from June, 2009

To: Patrick From: Laura

Good Morning, Honey Dear. Here are a few things I an thankful for on our anniversary: I'm thankful that you paid attention to me instead of all the other girls that were enamored with you. I'm thankful that you insisted on taking the slower pace concerning our relationship. It was hard, but so worth it. I'm thankful for a short engagement. I'm glad that when the doors flew open at the back of the church I could see that you were there at the altar waiting for me. I'm thankful for six ice cream freezers and four toasters and buying our first groceries with the money we got for returning them. I'm thankful for three years of just you and me. I'm thankful for Junior sized basketball goals and baby dolls. I'm thankful that our boys have your blue eyes. I'm thankful for slip-n-slides and swimming pools. I'm thankful for the yellow house with stacked stone and cedar shakes that I share with the World's Greatest Husband. I'm thankful that you li...

SBC Annual Meeting

I did have a catchy title a couple days ago, but it has left me. We travel every year to the Southern Baptist Convention. This year the meeting was held in Louisville, KY. There was a little talk about we are declining as a denomination. I know it is probably true. On Monday night which is actually called The Pastor's conference, this guy preached his heart out. For the first several minutes, he simply quoted scripture which was powerful in itself. I just have one thing to say: If there are about 2 dozen others just like him, our future is bright!

He's the Best!

Today is Father's Day. A Day meant to honor all fathers. My Daddy is very special to me. I always thought he was the greatest Daddy on earth. He worked very hard to provide a nice life for my sisters and me. And Mama, of course. Now, the work has paid off. In the form of 6 beautiful, handsome grandchildren that call him, "Granddaddy!!" I love you, Daddy. Happy Father's Day! I haven't mailed a card or gift. I know you are not surprised. But please know that I would buy you a whole bunch of cows and set you up real nice to be the hobby farmer you always wanted to be - if I could. Patrick's Dad, "Papa" is special too. I remember vividly the first time I met him in Dothan, Alabama. They drove down to pick up Patrick and then have a mini-vacation during our Fall Break. I didn't know until later that the real reason they drove out of their way to come to our college was to meet me. And, to see the college of course. We went to the Outbac...

Hop Aboard!

A photo gallery from Vacation Bible School: Notice how Luke is standing on his tip-toes? I think he realizes that Anna Brooke is fast approaching him in the height department. He thinks he should be taller because he is older. He is always trying to make sure he is taller than her. I realize now that my hair didn't look so great twisted up. Thank you. My firstborn loved the Boomerang Express. For some reason, Anna Brooke wanted her picture made below the kangaroo. This picture looks so much like me when I was three. And, who could possibly resist this face?

Pool Fun: Part 1 of ??

A big part of our summer always has been and will likely always been the pool, or cement pond as the Clampetts would say. Here are a few pictures from a pool party with the youth last weekend. (See the underwater person? That is Anna Brooke. She is quite the underwater swimmer.) Paul hasn't really liked the water this year. I knew he would if he would just try it. This is the party in which I was pushed into the water against my will. Paul jumped to me!!! He would then play in the water. Then, I gave all the little kids a boat ride: To Be Continued...

Little Fullers go a visitin'

Every now and then we need a babysitter. Our go-to babysitter is a sweet couple that we love dearly. They have treated our children as if they were their own. Here are a few pictures of the girls and Paul at their house a few weeks ago while I was at the dentist and Luke was still in school. And this is when the girls were in Florida and I had an appointment while Luke was in school.

VBS 2009 Days 1 & 2

There will be no words today, just pictures. I am in a super big hurry and if I have to think about anything other than copy and paste my brain will explode. I took lots of cute pictures of Paul playing some mini cymbals, but it seems they h ave disappeared. Maybe later I will post it. Also, for those of you who love me: please pray that I can find BOTH SETS of our keys today. We are both operating on ONE SET of spare keys. Yes, they were both put in the same place and now are gone.

VBS 2009

LifeWay always comes up with a cool, relevant theme for VBS. In the past 13 or so years that I have been teaching the themes have been: space, western, luau, and this year the theme is Boomerang Express: it all comes back to Jesus. So, we have been decorating everything to look like Australia. What does Australia look like? I've never been to the land down under but I know that there are kangaroos, koala bears...WAIT!!! I have a koala bear!! He is also training to be a NASCAR driver! Oh yes, he is one very talented koala bear. G'Day Mate!!

Kindergarten Awards

Monday morning was the Kindergarten Awards Ceremony for the fourth quarter. We arrived just as Luke's class was entering the auditorium. He received 4 awards!! We were so excited and proud! The first award he received was the Active Lifestyle Award. At the beginning of May the PE teachers sent home a calendar and asked the parents to fill it out with the physical activities their child participated in and how much time. So, I filled in all of Luke's baseball games and practices, the times he played basketball in the backyard and rode his bike around the neighborhood. Then we turned the calendar in to the PE teacher on June 1. Luke loves the young man, Mr. H who is one of the PE teachers. Here he is giving Luke his award. (I do apologize for the pictures being blurry. Luke moves fast and these were taken with my cell phone since I was temporarily without a camera!) Then Luke received the Personal Best Award. If you've ever spent much time around my firstborn, you know he alw...

That's All Folks!

OK Internet friends.  This is the deal: I have had major writer's block for about 2 or 10 days now.  There has been a lot going on and I do have pictures...still on my camera.   Last night, my Mom, 2 sisters, 2 nephews and one cousin arrived here in FullerTown .  We promptly went to the pool.  It started to rain so my Mom ran home and brought her car.  Then we all piled in soaking wet and came home.  We had to leave ALL  of our pool toys including our two-man inflatable boat at the pool.  And, 4 bicycles and one scooter. Now, this morning it is raining again.  Does anybody have any ideas for what we can do with 6 children that is an indoor activity?  Or when the rain is going to stop?