To: Patrick From: Laura

Good Morning, Honey Dear. Here are a few things I an thankful for on our anniversary:

I'm thankful that you paid attention to me instead of all the other girls that were enamored with you.

I'm thankful that you insisted on taking the slower pace concerning our relationship. It was hard, but so worth it.

I'm thankful for a short engagement.

I'm glad that when the doors flew open at the back of the church I could see that you were there at the altar waiting for me.


I'm thankful for six ice cream freezers and four toasters and buying our first groceries with the money we got for returning them.

I'm thankful for three years of just you and me.

I'm thankful for Junior sized basketball goals and baby dolls.

I'm thankful that our boys have your blue eyes.


I'm thankful for slip-n-slides and swimming pools.

I'm thankful for the yellow house with stacked stone and cedar shakes that I share with the World's Greatest Husband.

I'm thankful that you like to surprise me. You know I love it.

I would choose you all over again. I wouldn't change anything about our life.


Happy Anniversary!


Jennifer said…
How sweet! Happy Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Fuller!!!!

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