Back to the Grind...

Here are our pictures from the first day of School. We always start the day by reading a Psalm every morning.Then we took the ceremonious first day of school pictures. Anna Brooke likes to flirt with the camera so it was quite a feat to get a good photo of her that early morning.
Luke was all excited about everything so it was a piece of cake to take a photo of him.

This is Anna Brooke and her teacher, Mrs. H. Luke had her so we were very excited to learn that Anna Brooke would have her as a Kindergarten teacher as well.This is Luke in his classroom the first morning. He was putting all his supplies in their proper places. He looks so excited.

So far, we have had success at getting to school on time and completing the homework. We are off to a good start.


Kim Gaines said…
I looked at the pictures on Patrick's blog page - God bless you and Patrick as you raise your children to love God and His Word! You continue to inspire me with your love for your family and for God. May God strengthen you and give you wisdom.
Kim Gaines

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