Big Apple Adventure: Part 2

If you know anything about LifeWay VBS, you know that the music is always phenomenal. For 14 years now, a man named Jeff Slaughter has been contracting with LifeWay to write all of the music for VBS.
When we were at the VBS Preview a few weeks ago, we were going down to the auditorium to see the VBS musical. The little Fullers were running down the ice-covered hill singing "Yes to VBS" as loud as they could.
I noticed a man up ahead of us also walking to the auditorium. I yelled at the little Fullers, "Red Light!" The man turned around toward me and laughed at my signal for them to stop. I recognized his voice and turned to Patrick, "That is Jeff Slaughter!"
We met at the bottom of the hill and talked for a quick minute. He expressed how proud he was to hear these little voices singing a song he wrote about Jesus. We reciprocated with praise for him using his gifts to write songs that children love to sing about Jesus.
We met him the next day to have our picture taken with him. He loved Luke's energy!

He then took the time to speak a few encouraging words to Luke about living for Jesus. And using his energy to serve God.
He may not remember us, but we remember him! Luke went to Sunday School the next day and told all of his friends that he met the coolest man: the one who writes all of the songs for VBS!


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