Roma testimony

This past Thursday evening I had the privilege of speaking at one of our NC Baptists on Mission Celebration Rallies.  I was to share a brief, 4-minute testimony about my mission trip to Eastern Europe last summer.  It was difficult to relate a 10-day trip into four minutes but I did it.  Here is what I shared:
I believe that if each one of us will reach one person for Jesus; and teach them to reach another we will reach the whole world for Christ sooner rather than later.  For this reason, I joined a team of people from all over our state with a goal of reaching one more for Christ.  We met as a team, prayed together, planned, shared a few meals, prayed more, planned more, then packed our bags and boarded a plane together.  Our purpose was to minister to the Roma people of Eastern Europe.  Honestly, I was really nervous about not having my hot rollers, not even a curling iron.  I was scared to leave my husband & four babies for ten days.
We would work primarily in Romania and Hungary.  Our team would conduct day camps for the children and then hold separate men’s & women’s events in the evenings in different villages.  We were prepared with Bible Stories, art projects, Science experiments, outdoor games, & gifts to share as we ministered.  We were even able to participate in a Sunday service that lasted four hours (with no air conditioning) and included a baptism, The Lord’s Supper and a baby dedication.
Sharing the gospel with the children, with the help of the sweet interpreters provided by Hungarian Baptist Aid, was an honor and once-in-a-lifetime experience.  The children had clearly never heard the stories we shared.  They also had physical needs as well as spiritual needs.  They were dirty, smelly, bare foot, many were cross-eyed, and most needed new clothes.  Their hair was matted and they were ALL in need of a really good bath with clean water and Dial soap.  All of a sudden…it didn’t matter that my hair wasn’t freshly shampooed.
Opportunities for you in 2015 will include work in Hungary, Romania and Ukraine. Churches are invited to send teams to provide English Bible Camps in the public schools in Hungary where they will be able to openly share the gospel. VBS and Evangelistic Outreach teams will have opportunity to work with Roma churches in Romania and Ukraine to work with the children and do outreach in Roma villages. Medical teams will provide medical clinics and evangelistic outreach in the same areas in Ukraine and Romania.   Dates for 2015 projects will be on the Baptists on Mission website in mid-October.
Next time you are weary because your kitchen sink is full of dishes, consider the Roma people who share one red Tupperware cup with the whole village.
Next time you pay your power or water bill, consider the Roma people who don’t have fresh water for drinking, cleaning or bathing.
Next time you get your family dressed, consider the Roma people who each have one outfit of clothes and one pair of shoes that may or may not fit.
Consider the Roma people who are stuck at the bottom of the economic ladder because they are un-educated and despised by their peers. 
Consider the Roma people who are in dire need of proper healthcare.
Consider the Roma people who desperately need Jesus.
You may not think your feet are very pretty but the Scripture says But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?  And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?  And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?  And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent?  That is what the Scriptures mean when they say, “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”

Ladies and Gentlemen, you have the good news!  Please don’t keep it to yourselves!  Go, and tell it…to the Roma people of Eastern Europe. 

I cannot wait for the opportunity to go on mission again.


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