Happy Birthday Paul!!


On Valentine's Day 2007 Patrick and I decided that we would not get each other a gift. This was the first time we had made such a deal. I did pick up a card for him and filled it out. Valentine's Day was on a Wednesday and we really didn't see each other much until after church that night.


He came home exhausted. We had our little family of five all together in the Family Room and I handed him his card. I had signed it the way I usually do with an extra note on the very bottom:
P. S. Baby Boy due to arrive in September. (Now, I didn't know for sure he was a boy, but I had a feeling)




Fast forward 7 months. I was very busy getting ready to open WEE Love Academy, the weekday preschool ministry at church. I was thinking that I would get the Preschool started a few weeks then the baby would come. Well, Preschool started on Tuesday, September 4, 2007. It was a great day and I came home energetic! I thought nothing of it just busied myself.


I knew something was up when I wasn't hungry at dinnertime. I then began having these weird feelings. Patrick became concerned but I said "It's nothing. I'm not due for three more weeks." He was putting out fresh bark in the yard when I informed him I thought I just had a contraction. He worked like a mad man to get the yard just so.


About midnight, I realized that this was the time God had chosen for my baby to enter the world. We had our little Fullers tucked into bed and we stayed up all night getting everything ready for the baby.


By about 5:00 am Wednesday morning, we made our way to the hospital. My time in the labor room went just as I thought it would. I gave the nurses the timeline of how everything would go. They were amazed that I was right.


"Baby Paul" went to Preschool in a Snugli when he was 10 days old. He has been the biggest blessing to our lives. He was so unexpected, yet such a joy! You must understand that we knew we would have a fourth baby, we just didn't expect him to come so quickly. But, we wouldn't have it any other way.


He is so funny and loves being the baby. He has the most handsome smile and the funniest giggle. His personality is emerging as well as his vocabulary. He loves his brother and sisters and they love him dearly. The love we all have for him runs deep. He is a very sweet boy.


Happy Birthday Paul-Paul!!!!



Jennifer said…
Aww, how sweet! Happy Birthday Paul!!
Shana said…

Thanks so much for telling Paul's story. It is so nice to keep up with y'all through your blog. You family is simply beautiful!

Love, Shana

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