We Have a Problem

This just in from FullerTown!!!

Mommy was in the Laundry Room where she spends most of Monday and Wednesday. Anna Brooke came running and said, "Mommy, come here .... we have a problem." Mommy quickly turned toward her and said, "What is it?" She said again, "We have a problem." So, Mommy followed. Anna Brooke led the Town Manager into the Living Room [which is an 'off-limits' room for playing]. Then the town manager spots 'the problem.' The column made of plaster has fallen and broken onto the freshly vacuumed carpet. "It just did" is how it happened.


Wendy Fuller said…
I am sure the princess and our twinkle toes were not sure how this happened. They seem a little stunned in the photo. Please tell them Nana said to be espicially careful when things break so they will not cut themselves! Aren't they beautiful? They are beautiful even when accidents happen.

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