More to Come!

Hello everyone!
I am so sorry I haven't written in a while. My new computer crashed on Tuesday night! Anyway, I am back in business. But please, for my sake, next time you purchase a computer, you need to purchase the extended warranty. Extended as in a better warranty. Not extended as in 'lasting longer than 12 months'. Anyway, I have much to post about, but not tinoght. It is 12:27 Sunday morning. The Fullers must be at church at 8:30 later this morning for the church breakfast. I was telling Anna Brooke as I tucked her in that we were going to have eggs and biscuits at church instead of doughnut holes. She politely reminded that she 'doesn't care for any grits.' I know I am raising her to be a Southern belle but she will not eat her grits!!

Come back to hear about and see pictures of the first day of WEE Love Academy and Paul's 1st birthday!

Good night.


Wendy Fuller said…
Noe I know one day The Princess will try and like grits. She is a great eater and eats a wide variety of things. Nana always had an abundance of cereal and pizza for her Uncle D who today is still a very picky eater. Her Daddy on the other hand always tried things and loves a wide variety of things but our favorite was then and is now Spaghetti which has nothing in common with GRITS!

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