Checking In.

We have settled in to 2010 quite nicely here in FullerTown. The Mayor and Town Manager have cast a vision that would make any Town Council proud.

(Don't you just love how I speak of our household as if it were a real place on the map?)


We are currently without a working camera here in FullerTown. We do have one that works intermittently and right now it is on the blink. I am so sorry there will be no pictures coming from FullerTown in the near future because there is some major cuteness going on around here.

We are in the midst of Upward basketball and cheerleading. If you would like to see this action you will need to contact the Town Manager for a schedule.

All I can say is that our short-legged Luke has made us proud.

And, our Anna Brooke is cracking the shell of shyness.

Sarah Belle cannot wait until the Fall when it will be her turn to get in on the action!!

Paul is still content sitting on Daddy's shoulders.

He has the best view of anybody.


Shana said…
Don't you just love upward! Katy has had a real "ball" being a cheerleader. Although she now thinks basketball looks like more fun :)

I enjoy reading your blog Laura. It is great to keep up with you, Patrick and the kids :)


Oh! Loved y'alls Christams card! It was so cute :)

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