This Post Sponsored by the Letter M

We have many friends scattered all over our great country. This is the result of Bible college and Seminary. And the convergence of two large family's address books. So, we are leaving for Florida today to celebrate Christmas with my family. The problem is, that we haven't mailed our Christmas cards yet. To many of you this will seem like no big deal. But you all know what you think of the person whose card you receive the week after Christmas. So the cards have to be mailed today. 650 cards. Oh, yes, we are officially mentally insane.

Another problem is that we did not pick up the cards from the printer until around 8:30 p.m. just last night. Actually, the printer brought them to me. Tracked me down at a Christmas Party. We put our children to bed and the ink started flowing. Computer ink that is. And some Bic brand ink as well.

We hit the sack between 2 am this morning so we could have at least a little rest. And the stuffing, licking and ink started again. I was busy with something else so Daddy had to finish the cards. I was in another room about 30 feet away when I heard mumbling. I asked what he said. And he said, a little louder,

"There are too many M's in this book!"

Well, there you have it.
So, if you receive a handwritten card and your name begins with M, it was written with much love.

What was I doing, you ask?

Now I am going to hang my head in shame that I have published photos of my laundry room on the internet...


Rebecca said…
I could barely get 50 out in time! Wow!
Ours was beautiful and typed-so hopefully it didn't trouble Patrick too much!
My laundry room looks worse than yours and I only have 3 people to do laundry for right now!!
So glad to find you're a blogger now too! I have been a little slack lately. This pregnancy has been much harder on me, but I am hopefully going to start updating at least a couple times a week again.

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