Wild Weekend . . . So Far

This has been an interesting couple of days here in FullerTown! There is no better way to let you know the goings-on around here except to chronicle it all for you.

On Thursday evening, it was clear that Sarah Belle was sick enough to visit Dr. B. Thankfully, a Friday morning appointment was available! She and I made our way to the new fancy location of the Pediatrics office. I missed the turn and ended up taking the long route. Perfect.

Miss Sarah Belle has a 'mild' ear infection. If this is 'mild,' I would hate to see 'severe.' She is pretending to be a koala bear! After the exam, she looked at Dr. B, pointed to him and said, "That boy cut my ear." Try to imagine her sitting on the edge of the exam table with her eyes only half open, holding both ears and pouty lips. It was precious. And sad. It made Dr. B chuckle.

After we visited the pharmacy she was feeling better. So, she and I stopped in a store that I knew would be a great place to pick up a few Christmas gifts for the boys in our life. SCORE. (That was a hint.)

Daddy and I were supposed to keep the older children in the nursery Friday night for the community choir's first performance of the Christmas Cantata. We had to call in backup for that.

I left home at 7:00 Saturday morning intending to finish the Christmas shopping. I would be home by 9:00 if the first store had 4 battery operated Power Wheels cars. The first Wal-Mart was great, except only 1 Power Wheels car.

The 2nd Wal-Mart had one more. And all 4 of the desired, required headgear needed to ride the Power Wheels cars.

The 3rd Wal-Mart did not have the 2 remaining cars. I knew one would be in short supply, but the other should be easy!! WRONG!!

So, this week, I will be calling all Wal-Mart stores within a 50-mile radius to see if they have the 2 remaining cars.

So, I arrived home and placed all of my purchases into the garage. Then had to stand guard without being too obvious. We were invited to a nearby church for their Christmas program. It was good, especially the 2nd Act. I especially liked Gabriel singing to Mary and the wise men coming to the home of Jesus when he was a toddler.

Then, back at the house, I jumped out while Daddy rode the little ones around the neighborhood. I moved all the gifts behind a locked door. Daddy needed to attend the Christmas Cantata again tonight but the sick children did not want him to go. So, we all went. Just, we let Daddy out at the church and rode out to the Youth Christmas party. Then, just on time, we rode back to the church so we could retrieve our Daddy.

We arrived just as the program was over. We parked at the rear of the full parking lot. One little Fuller said, "Mommy, my mouth feels funny and my tummy hurts. I think I'm going to throw up!" I gave little Fuller a drink cup just in case. Then, little Fuller said, "Mommy, I gotta (use the bathroom). So, I handled the situation as best I could. This little Fuller did not get sick. Yet.

This morning, 3 little Fullers have a fever. So, I am watching church on TV.

Hoping you have a great day in the House of the Lord!

P. S. I forgot to tell you that my personal computer is broken and I do not have access to my Christmas Card list that I have been com piling for 8 years!! So, I have a lot of typing to do over the next few days!

P. S. S. I wasn't really shopping for battery-operated Power Wheels cars, but . . . well . . . you know!


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