Just So You Know ...

--I am finished with my shopping!!!!!!! (A special thanks to the biggest Wal-Mart I have ever visited that is located two counties away.)

--I have rearranged the gifts as I usually do when we are ten days away from Christmas. Each family has their own tree. Christmas morning gifts are in the Family Room. My family's gifts are in the dining room. Patrick's family's gifts are in the Living Room. You Fuller's, Derrick's, Altman's and Fish's who read this should feel really special.

--I am finishing wrapping the gifts now. The girls and Paul are assisting take the gifts to the correct location. (OK, I just checked behind them. Only 2 of the last 6 were in the right place. I do appreciate their help. I really do.)

--The children are feeling better. Now the Mommy doesn't feel so great. Yes, I do have a doctor appointment. Thanks for asking.

--This morning I ate a pear from Harry and David for breakfast. Every year we receive a gift basket from them as a gift from someone special. And, sweet mercy those pears are good, delicious, juicy, tasty, all that. And some more. I ran out of adjectives suitable for pears. I look forward to the pears all year.

--Paul's new favorite thing to do is to drag the gift bags all over the house. He wants to see how far he can get from the tree before I will notice. Then, when he sees me, he drops it and walks as fast as he can in the other direction. I pray he's not practicing for a future of shoplifting! So, if you receive a gift from the Fuller's that is in a gift bag you can be guaranteed that Paul disassembled it before you!!

--This is the funniest thing any of my bloggy friends have written in awhile: The TCM blog You have to read it.

--Daddy lost his cell phone last week. Again. So, I called the lady in South Asia to change the equipment on his number. This is thanks to the unintended third phone that we have. When someone loses their phone, we just switch. Then we find the missing phone, we have an extra. This is really a great plan. The only problem is that now the phones are exactly backwards as originally intended. His is red. Merry Christmas. Happy Valentine's Day. Happy Fourth of July. Mine is silver. BORING.

Happy Monday!


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