Exactly How I Feel

One of my friends from our Seminary days has four children like me. Except that she has adopted twins and a child very close to their age. So, she does have more stress about toddler things than I do. Anyway, she has written the funniest blog post. It has made my morning. You can read it here.

Have a good day!!!

UPDATE: My friend who wrote this is not as I described above. But, I do love my friend, L, with four children. You can read her blog here.

The real friend who wrote it is a friend who lived across the hall from me in the dorm during college. She is a funny girl who is also really sweet. I do love her even though she recently posted an embarrasing photo of me on Facebook. K has two cute little girls and works full time. She also has a stressful life! Please click to her blog and read her feelings about being a mother.

It is exactly how I feel.


Yah, her post was much funnier than anything I could come up with....hilarious:)

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