Happy Birthday, Luke-Man!!!


Today is the birthday of my firstborn, Luke Wilson Fuller. As of 10:05 tonight, he will be six years old. I learned within the first five minutes of his life that I was in for an adventure.

The first thing the Doctor said when he was first born was, "This is a heavy baby." And he was. Ten pounds and one ounce of pure joy. The nurse said that she wanted someone else to come and "listen to him." I remember a crowd of medical professionals rushing into the delivery room to "listen" to my baby.


They, the medical professionals, told us the next morning that they thought our baby had pneumonia. He proved in a very short time that he did not. This experience taught me a lot about being appreciative for a healthy baby. We had to watch him in the NICU with wires and oxygen tubes only to find out that he was OK. Luke was released from the NICU a few short hours before I was discharged from the hospital.

He grew so fast!! He still does. At his two-week well visit I remember our beloved Dr. Foor saying, "I can't find anything wrong with him. He's perfect."

2 wks old

We couldn't have been happier with our new little man. "Luke-Man" is what we called him. We didn't slow down much after he was born. We took him to the beach for the first time when he was just 6 weeks old. We went back twice more that summer. Once was for Youth camp. It was the first of many trips to the beach for Luke. He has only missed Youth Camp two summers of his short life. He thinks he is twelve already.


Now, my boy is all grown up. He is going to Kindergarten every day of the week. He hasn't missed a day yet!


Luke has had an exciting life so far.

He flew on an airplane for the first time when he was 8 months old.

He has been on a Mission Trip already. Last summer he went to Canada for a week. How I wish I had the video of him washing windows alongside the teenagers or telling that little boy about Jesus on the playground!

He has been to the Emergency Room six times!! Let's see if I can name them: burned foot with iron, fell on the brick steps at church, ran into a corner wall in his bedroom, dehydrated from the stomach virus, Nurse Maids' elbow, fell backwards on the coffee table. Six times!

He has had the joy of welcoming 2 sisters and one little brother to our family.


Luke has made us proud to be his parents. He has a vast knowledge of the Word and a desire to learn more. He completed his Sparks handbook this year in AWANA. He has learned at least 20 new Bible verses.

He also received very good remarks from his school teachers about his learning progress and behavior at school.

Luke is a true leader. He has the ability to put together a plan and put it into action. He usually has his mind made up before asked about a situation. And, trust me, don't try to talk him into something different.

The bottom line is: Luke is one cool little man!



Jennifer said…
How sweet!!! Time flies once you become parents, doesn't it? :)

Happy Birthday Luke!!
Lisa said…
Hey Laura
Don't know if you remember me...I was the preschool director at the college. What a beautiful family you have! Our little man also has a birthday. He is one year old today. It feels like we just brought him home 2 weeks ago! They grow way too fast! Enjoy the day with your little guy. I know he's a joy to you! Blessings!
Anonymous said…
He looks just.like.Patrick!

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