Happy Birthday, Anna Brooke

Today is my big girl, Anna Brooke's birthday! She is turning FIVE years old. Someone please contact Father Time and let him know that he will just have to leave me behind because he is marching too fast.

Anna Brooke was born on a Wednesday evening at 6:40 pm. It was the same day as Tom Brokaw's last broadcast. I remember saying that I wanted to watch it and then realizing about midnight that I missed it. I was so happy to have a little girl I was beside myself. It is every woman's dream to have a girl just because, have you been in the boys' clothing department lately? Everybody knows it's much more fun to dress a girl.

Anna Brooke and Luke are 19 months apart. They are so close. They love to pretend that they are twins. Being that Anna Brooke is tall they are pretty successful at pulling it off.

Anna Brooke loves her baby sister also. They love to stay in their room and play for an hour or so at a time. It is so cute to hear them talking about their babies and cooking supper.


Anna Brooke likes to play with her baby brother. She especially likes some of his toys. She speaks to him like they are both teenagers.


Some things you may not know abour Anna Brooke:
-she is SLOW. She gets this trait from her Mommy! I am the same way. She will NOT BE RUSHED! Don't even try.
-She is particular about her clothes. She doesn't like to wear long sleeves. She will wear short sleeves with a jacket.
-She LOVES to sing. She picks up the tune and words to any song very easily. She sings all the time.
-She loves going to Preschool. She has a strong desire to learn more. She can't wait to start Kindergarten next Fall.
-She is left handed.
-She will try to eat anything new.
-Chick-fil-A is her favorite restaraunt.

She has enriched our lives so much these past 5 years. I think the LORD gave her to us to help us to slow down in the rush of our ministry lives sometimes. And she does a good job!!



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