She's ravenous!!

Our Anna Brooke is growing a lot lately. She eats about every 2 hours.

Last night, when we arrived home from Mission Friends, she ate 2 bowls of cereal and 2 pieces of toast as a snack.

She was snuggling in my lap and put her thumb in her mouth. We are working on stopping sucking the thumb so I said, "Anna Brooke, let's hide the thumb. It's not thumb time."

She looked at me and said, "WELL I'M HUNGRY AND YOU WON'T FEED ME ANYFING!!"

Let's all agree to feed Anna Brooke anytime she says that she's hungry.

We wouldn't want her to starve to death. Or resort to cannibalism.


Anonymous said…
My youngest, Addie, also sucks here thumb. While I don't think she'll walk down the aisle still sucking her thumb, it still kind of bothers me that she loves it so much being five years old. She will pop it in, and we'll say, Addie don't suck your thumb. She'll respond, "But it tastes so good!"

I don't know about you, but my thumb is anything but tasty. Unless there are remnants of Reese's Cups on it.

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