Daddy's Away - Day 1

FullerTown's leader departed early this morning for several days. He is going to be preaching a Revival meeting in Canton, NC at Dutch Cove Baptist Church. The pastor there has been a dear friend for many years.

The children have been asking all day, "When is Daddy coming home today?"

"Late on Wednesday night." {I don't think they understand that this is 4 DAYS away!!}

So, we set out to busy ourselves. Luke helped to make a list of things to do. It went something like this:

Firetruck puzzle
Straighten bedrooms
John Deere puzzle
Another task
Christmas puzzle
Another task

We did complete the first several steps, then skipped to the ice cream!

Then we went outside to ride tricycles on the patio before dinner. Everyone played and then their bare feet got 'freezing' so they came inside. At one point they were sitting on the grass and I thought This would be a beautiful picture. I came inside and got the camera then remembered it was broken. I tried anyway to take a picture and it came on!! So, this is what the pictures look like:

The pictures look much better than on the display screen of the camera. So, I photographed my biggest birthday gift:
My sweet husband picked it out for me. The green machine was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease (really!) and then the radio stopped working. My throat stayed tired from all the singing to the little Fullers as they traveled. This newer model has more gadgets & buttons than I know what to do with, or operate for that matter.

I have gotten sidetracked -- I'm just so excited to see that my camera still takes pictures, even if I can't tell that it's a good picture until I upload it to the computer.

This evening after baths Paul took 4 steps without holding on to anything!!!! So, we did what most people do: we put him back where he started and he did it again...and a third time!! Everyone was so happy giving him hugs and kisses. He knows he has done something big He is mighty proud!

I hope you all have a restful evening and a wonderful day in the Lord's House tomorrow.


Brian and Kerri said…
Hey Patrick and Laura, congrats on the new suburban. We are very excited for you guys. I hope things are well!!
Brian and Kerri

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