Wedding News

We had our first little Fuller wedding this week!!! We really did have a beautiful, absolutely gorgeous wedding at Southside last weekend. The parents of the bride were so gracious to allow me to bring home one of the stunning arrangements used in the reception. So, on Monday, the 3 oldest little Fullers decided we would have our own wedding. They decorated the Living Room with the special arrangement and dishes, got all dressed up and pretended. I must say, IT WAS HILARIOUS!!!! Of course, they have never been to a wedding, or even seen one on TV for that matter. So, their rendition was perfectly cute. Luke is not really kissing Anna Brooke although their lips probably did touch.
Here is the latest, cutest picture of Paul:

I was on Copperhead Watch Duty as he crawled through the flowerbed.

The children are enjoying the Fall weather changes. I am enjoying having the windows raised during the day. The joy of living in the Carolinas....


Marie said…
Hey! This is the third time I have tried to post a comment - let's see if it works this time.
I love getting to see pictures of the children. They are growing up too fast, but I don't have to tell you that. Conner loves the wedding picture, especially the part about their lips touching! Heaven help us when it is time for him to meet someone special!!
Baby Paul could be "The Snake Hunter". It looked like he had a great time even though it scares his parents to death!
Can't wait to see them in person!
Love, Marie

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