
I do apologize for my blogging hiatus this week. There has been much to write about but my energy levels are at an all-time low. So, this post will be random.

News Alert: My birthday is on Monday. I usually, in the past, have sent out a news bulletin to all about my impending birthday starting on September 1. This marks the 50-day mark. Thirty days in September and twenty in October. How convenient for me and all who love me. I never intended this to be selfish; just helpful. This year the news bulletins were not produced. On September 1, I was consumed with planning my baby's first birthday and the start of WEE Love Academy the next day.

Patrick and I both have a sinus cold. We both took some medicine last night and are WORSE today! How did this happen? We both sound like sick frogs!! The good news is: this confirms that we do sleep in the same bed!! That's it. Sleep. Although, sleep does not come easy these days. I feel like if I cough just 37 more times, I am going to need a windpipe transplant. He doesn't have the cough. Maybe that's bad news. Is he sneaking to the couch during the night? I'll have to check on this.....

Luke is learning to read. His teachers are great. Mrs. H & Mrs. C. We read on e book every night. He is so excited to bring home a new book from the Media Center. He has learned lots already. Every afternoon he plays on Starfall. This website is a wonderful tool for teaching children to read.

The girls are starting to fuss a LITTLE. OK, maybe I exagerrated a little bit. They fuss A LOT. They have to sit on the pew facing each other, apologize, proclaim their love, and hug. My sisters and I NEVER fussed a bit! (OK, so maybe I exaggerated a little more. I am sure they will comment!)

Paul is very close to walking. He will let go of one object, twist, then grab another object for stability. He is getting braver every day!

My camera is on the blink right now, so there are no pictures until it is repaired. Happy Friday!!


Granny said…
Laura I've been waiting on you to let me know when your b'day was so I can get you a gift. I've actually had it since July. Will mail it on tuesday. Sorry for the delay. The highlight of my day is seeing these kids on the fuller blog. please get the camera fixed.

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