Daddy's Away - Day 5

Well, Tuesday night was ... shall we say ... an adventure. I think everyone woke up at some point during the night.

Then today has been an unusual Wednesday. My neighbor, P along with her little grandson J, came over to sit with the girls & Paul while I took Luke to school.

We had a short time to get our Wednesday chores done. Not enough time.

I took the children to Mrs. A's house. I drove back across town to the school for Luke's Fall Harvest Celebration. Pringles and cupcakes never tasted so good!!

We then had to come by the house and change out the laundry and check the mail. We were expecting our Halloween costumes that Granny made. They arrived and are sooooo cute! We will attempt to take a picture tomorrow to share with you! Also, a very special birthday gift for me was included.

We went back to Mrs. A's house and walked to the park next to her house. Dinner was Burger King and then on to Mission Friends. We came home, bathed, snuggled and went to bed. And got up. And went to bed. And got up. The little Fullers were so excited about Daddy coming home they could not stay still in their beds. It was 11:00 before Sarah Belle went to sleep!

Now, on Thursday morning, Daddy is already off to a normal work day and we are happy he is safely back home in FullerTown!!


Rebecca Setzer said…
Hey Fullers,
Hope all is well. We know you are very glad to have "Daddy" back home!!

Please send us an e-mmail address for Patrick. Chuck has something he wants to send.

Chuck & Rebecca

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