Daddy's Away - Day 4

Woo-hoo!!!!! Only one more day to go until DADDY'S HOME!!!!!

Today has been a day filled with miracles.

1. Last night, Sarah Belle stayed in bed and went to sleep! She did not get back up even once!

2. Everyone slept all night!!! I woke up one time when my book slid off of the bed and hit the floor.

3. I managed to get everyone up and ready this morning. Every little Fuller was dressed, Luke was fed, teeth brushed, hair combed, bundled up in fluffy coats and buckled into the Suburban by 7:33 a.m.!!!! Everyone else ate breakfast at Preschool.

4. Tonight, Paul went to sleep without his bottle. He drank his bottle before being laid down; he just did not have a bottle in his mouth while actually going to sleep.

Other things that have happened today:

1. Everyone walked Luke into his classroom this morning. The girls held hands and escorted him straight to his seat! This was very cute. We were even on time.

2. After bathtime, one little Fuller had a bowel incident that required another bath and the assistance of the carpet cleaner.

3. All the garbage and recyclables are at the street and something is in the mailbox ready to be picked up by our lovely mail carrier.

Next time someone says something like, "I just don't know how you do all you do. Taking care of these beautiful children and being the wife of a Pastor and Director of a growing preschool...." Instead of responding that it isn't a big deal I will simply smile and say, "Thank you." But, inside I will be thinking,

Oh yeah! I am SuperMom! and I know it!!!!!


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