Daddy's Away - Day 2

I had an eventful night last night. First, Sarah Belle went to sleep in 'Daddy's spot.' The last I can remember is her eyes wide open and mine were very droopy. She began whining while dreaming so I moved her back to her bed.

An hour passes.

Anna Brooke is standing beside the bed saying, "Mommy, I want to snuggle with you." How could I resist. After all, it is a little cooler in this bed without Daddy. So we snuggled, and she snored!!

Another hour passes.

I am awakened by Paul's cries. I stumble downstairs to warm the bottle. I move Anna Brooke back to her bed. Paul finishes the bottle and is not satisfied. So, here came Paul into 'Daddy's spot!' It wasn't long before he was asleep again; so, he was put back in his bed.

A couple hours pass.

The alarm goes off. I must get up and be completely ready before the children get up. So, I got up and go into the bathroom. Luke comes in and wants to know what I am doing? He goes and gets into Daddy's bed to snuggle alone while I shower.

All of the children were awake before I was dressed and ready to go. We began getting dressed for Sunday School, combing hair, brushing teeth, socks, shoes: Ready! Every little Fuller was a real trooper. No one whined about Mommy's wardrobe choice for them. Miracles still hapen!

Everyone marched into Love Fellowship and sat so sweet while they ate their breakfast. I was so proud. This proves my theory that they know when to stay on their best behavior.

Then, we studied our AWANA verses. And rested. And watched Higglytown Heroes on the DVR...

Luke & Anna Brooke said their verses and earned a piece of candy for doing so. They also got an extra lollipop because they wore their uniforms tonight. Uniform checks are random, and therefore, cannot be planned for. They were very excited.

We had a Gideon speaker tonight. Mr. Wise. He was a good speaker and had many interesting stories to tell. I didn't hear all of his stories because Anna Brooke kept talking during the service. And pointing to other people in the sanctuary.

We are now watching our songs video and snuggling. We will all be asleep before much longer. Good night. Sweet Dreams.


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