Funny Weekend Happenings

I am terribly sorry for not giving a FullerTown update in over a week. It has been a very busy week around here. I will share some funny things that have happened. There is never shortage of funny here.

1. Yesterday, at church, a lady asked me what shade my hose were. She said something like, "Your pantyhose are just so natural-looking." I wasn't wearing hose. My freshly-shaven legs were as natural as it gets.

2. This morning, I went to get Paul from his bed. He normally wakes up and plays in his bed until someone comes to get him. This morning, I didn't hear him playing. He typically will throw everything out of his bed. The pillows, the toys, the blanket, everything except himself. This morning, when I arrived on the scene, everything was on the floor, including his diaper!!!

3. Our girls are becoming more and more like best friends. They play together so well. Last night, they were playing like one was the Mommy and the other was the sister. Then they would switch. They were going grocery shopping, wearing my Sunday shoes and carrying their pink fuzzy purses. They bought milk, diapers and peanut butter. The milk and diapers are always welcome but I'm not so sure about the peanut butter issue.

4. Our children have been given a lot of Valentine candy this weekend. They are loving it. So am I. I am glad they don't like Snickers bars. And I have no shame in finishing a piece of candy they have discovered their palette doesn't appreciate.

On a final note, my saving grace these days is Lindt Milk Chocolate truffles. One $3 bag lasts 2 whole weeks. These truffles are not to be chewed or swallowed. You just put one into your mouth and let it melt down your throat. NO SWALLOWING ALLOWED. One of these sweet balls of goodness pulls me through the difficult times of being an at-home mom to rambunctious preschoolers.

You oughtta try it sometime.

The truffles, that is.

P. S. I received exactly what I wanted for Valentine's Day!!! He is DA BOMB!!!


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