
Anyone who has been around FullerTown very much know the little Fuller's love of Berenstain Bears. There is one episode when there is a spring fling kind of gathering. Papa and Mama Bear are supposed to dance for the entertainment at the Spring Fling. The problem is that Papa is very busy building the stage for the event. Brother Bear has to be a stand-in so that Mama can practice. Another problem is that Brother does not want to dance. Mama comes up with a solution!!

She tells Brother that he can imagine: he is not dancing, he is practicing his sports moves! So, Brother doesn't mind assisting Mama with her dance practice.

We had a little imagining session around here this evening.

Out of the blue, Anna Brooke crawls up in Daddy's lap and says, "I'm gonna be 15 and I'm gonna have a car and Barbie keys and a boyfriend and we're gonna go on a date!"

So Luke says, "When I'm 16 I'm gonna have a big Duke-blue truck with Duke keys and a Duke license. I'll also have a girlfriend and she'll sit next to me."

Our eyes just about leaped out of our heads and I'm sure Daddy's heart skipped a few beats. After all the excitement over imagining the future of FullerTown happenings Daddy looked at me and said, "We only have Luke for 12 more years. One-third of his childhood is over."

I just have one thing to say:

We have Luke for 12 and a half more years.


Rebecca said…
My goodness! Already imagining driving and dating!
WHY do they grow so fast? It's crazy!
I just try to soak up every single second with Tate!

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