Baby Pictures

Anytime a new baby is born there is the proverbial quesion: who does she/he look like? We all know the best way to tell who the baby looks the most like is to get out the old baby pictures. So, while at my parents' house for Christmas I retrieved my 2 favorite pictures of myself as a child. This photo was taken aound the time I was 18-24 months old. Mom may correct me. This is actually my favorite photo of myself as a little Fish. You actually can't see the best part: I was wearing hunter green corderuoy pants. I was very cute.

Here is another when I was a little older. I think I was about 4. I took ballet for one year. I remember vividly doing my little dances at the recital in the auditorium at what is now the Middle School of my hometown. I cried because I left my doll backstage. We performed 2 dances. One with the tutu worn all the way around our waists and the other with the tutu only in the back. Again, very cute.

So, which of my girls looks the most like me? (Anna Brooke on the left, Sarah Belle on the right!)


Tiffany said…
Awwww .... they are BOTH gorgeous! They look very identical! They seem like a mixture of you and Patrick maybe ...
Rebecca said…
they look so similar! and both like you- but also- all the little fullers have a strong resemblance to patrick. 4 little cuties!

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