Pushing Buttons

Yesterday, I took my sick self to the doctor. And, since it was after lunch and I didn't know what time I would be finished I drove the truck.

I have always loved driving or riding in the truck. It is the first brand new vehicle that I could say was mine. Even though it is Patrick's. I loved how I could see around the next bend in the road. I could see OVER the car in front of me. This opened up a whole new way of driving to me. (I also loved the bench seat so I could ride right next to my love. Now, Luke sits there with the other little Fullers fill up the back.) (Part of the reason I am not so sure about having another baby is that we won't all be able to fit in the truck.)

When Patrick came back to college after Spring Break driving a new truck, I was stunned. We were to be married in just 3 months. Neither of us had any post-college jobs lined up yet; you just imagine my worry of how we going to PAY for this vehicle. But we did. By the grace of GOD.

You must know, that when Patrick bought the truck, I drove a low-to-the-ground, but very cute convertible. And, I kept it until well after we were married. I even shed a few tears when it was sold. I was used to feeling like I was in a cockpit while I navigated the highways and backroads of various counties in Florida, Alabama and North Carolina. I always loved my little car from the very first day my parents bought it for me.

Back to the reason for this post: yesterday afternoon I was driving the truck. I couldn't hear the radio, so I pressed on the steering wheel for the volume button. But it wasn't there. Then I realized I wasn't in the Suburban. So, I want you to know my new favorite button in my Suburban is:
It's located where my right thumb rests on the steering wheel. And, now I don't even think about it, I just turn up the volume, or turn down the volume. And the added bonus is, I don't have to take my eyes off of the road in order to do it. Thus, keeping my precious cargo safe.

Truck, convertible, Suburban: I hope you're not confused. (Good thing I didn't talk about the Honda, which I loved also.)


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