So Proud

Friday before last was the Award Ceremony at Luke's school. He received an award for having Perfect Attendance for the 2nd quarter. He received the same award for the first quarter. He was very proud of himself. And he should be.

Then, yesterday, he received the award for Student of the Week for all the Kindergarten classes. He was awarded a prize from the cart in the Principal's office. Well, this is a big treat, I tell you. He chose a paddle ball toy. You know, the paddle with a ball attached via a piece of elastic string. Within a half hour of arriving home it was broken. Since he didn't get to enjoy it for a full 24 hours I told him I would buy him another one. Tomorrow.

Today, we picked Luke up from school and upon turning out of the school he reminded he that I promised him a trip to the Dollar Tree to pick another prize. I knew we could handle it. Everyone going into the store and only one coming out with a prize. So, I gave Luke $1.07 which he placed in his coat pocket. All the children held on to the cart except for Paul, who preferred to ride in the cart.

All the little Fuller's walked very nicely beside the cart through the whole toy section until we found a prize Luke liked. No one complained that they didn't gt a prize. They knew their Day would come. Luke threw his prize up on the counter and gave the lady his money. He was such a big boy.

For a special treat, I bought a bag of jellybeans for everyone to share.

And, upon arriving home, I ate all the red ones in honor of my Valentine.


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