Icy Day, School Project and a question
2) Luke brought home a note last Friday informing us that he needed to make a 100th Day Project. Now, I will admit, I had no idea what a 100th Day Project was. The teacher did send home a half-sheet of poster board. I do know that since I was in Kindergarten a celebration of sorts has evolved to acknowledge the 100th day of school. So, I had an idea of what this project was about. I do, however, feel shafted that there was no such thing as a 100th day celebration during the 1983-84 school year. I really would have enjoyed that special snack of self-made trail mix containing 10 each of 10 different snacks.
Anyway, Luke knew he wanted his 100th day project to display his love of firetrucks. So, he and Microsoft Office's Clip Art Gallery came up with 10 fireman things that he could paste onto this red poster board. He chose the items that he wanted to display. 10 firetrucks, 10 firemen, 10 fireman hats, 10 fire hoses, 10 flames, 10 axes, 10 fire houses, 10 pair of boots, 10 dalmatians (his favorite) and 10 fire hydrants. You probably already know that there is not one square inch of poster board left visible. He is very proud of his first school project, and he should be. He did all the cutting and pasting himself.
3) A question. Would those of you who read this blog like/enjoy/appreciate for me to start sharing recipes here on FullerTown? I am thinking of taking photos to display the preparation all the way through to the finished dish. Would you like that? If so, give me some ideas for what kinds of recipes you would like for me to share. (Not that I am a self-proclaimed great chef or anything like that. I just think it will be fun! Although, my little neighbor, Z, does think I will be on the Food Network one day.)