Daddy's Away Again - Day 2

Day 2 went well. We achieved many of our goals for the day.

We went to church (aka "Mission Friends") last night. Pastor Cole from Water of Life Community Church preached a wonderful message from 1 Peter about the eyes and ears of God. Two of his members led in worship. It is always good to learn someone else's version of an old song. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

By the time I was writing last night, I was falling asleep and there was a lot of "a;dsfhourihtva n;mcjflkh."

So, I went to bed. I'll tell you a secret but you have to promise not to tell. All little Fullers have slept all night these past two nights. Now, don't go telling anyone. You will jinx the run of sleepiness around here. (I know that's a weird sentence, but the concept is great!)

There were several funny conversations or statements during the day but after a restful 7 hours of sleep, I only remember one. We were all in the girls' room, Luke was jumping on the bed, I was busy getting one of them dressed. I did not even look, just said, "Luke, please stop jumping on the Christmas tree."

Have a terrific Thursday.


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