We Are So Proud

We are so proud of our sweet brother-in-law, Stephen South.

This past Sunday evening he was ordained as a deacon at First Baptist Church of Glen St. Mary, FL. Our hearts were broken that we could not make the trip. Although we tried to work out arangements to fly down during the afternoon but the airlines did not have a flight available.
We prayed earnestly for him on Sunday as we knew this was a special day for him. Stephen will be a fine deacon. He has always been very sincere in all he does. Stephen served our great nation in the Navy for 4 1/2 years. While serving in the Navy, Stephen was trained to be an electrician. He married my sweet sister, Marie, shortly after being honorably discharged. He went to school to become a Journeyman Electrician. Now, he has made a fine career for himself building hospitals.
We are certain that Stephen and Marie sought the face of God in this matter of whether or not to accept God's call to deacon ministry. Stephen is so genuine in all he does, especially his walk with his Savior. Every time we visit our family in Florida, we are blessed to see how Stephen has grown closer and closer to the Lord. It is evident in the life he leads.
Stephen, we love you and are so proud of you!


Kerri Redding said…
Your "sweet" bro-in-law was dressed in a dress, with a purse and hat today in church. He was dressed as a muslim for a missionary speaker. He looked hilarious. I could hardly sing the choir song b/c I was trying not to laugh at him. Someone took a pic for blackmail purposes. It was funny. Glad you had a good trip. love, Kerri

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