Daddy's Away Again -- Day 4

This morning we had SNOW on the ground!!! I was so excited. So, the schools were on a 2-hour delay. I took Luke to school. Then there were a few things to do before going to pick him up. The most important: Dry Cleaners.

We went to the Dry Cleaners, dropped off 2 boxes at Goodwill and then went to get Luke. Then we went to Target to get some ideas of what we wanted for Christmas.

I would like to have 2 of these.
Luke says that you need to tell Santa that you want an item. If you say that you need something you won't get it. He only brings things that we want.

Nice concept.

This evening, My Mom (Granny), Aunt Rie-Ri, Conner and Caleb arrived. The children played hard for about an hour. Now, everyone is in bed except me.

But I am asleep.


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