Happy Weekend!

Our weekend so far has been a blast!

Someone GAVE our church tickets to the Women of Faith conference. I have invited friends and neighbors to accompany me. We are having a great time! Laughing. And crying. I always cry at conferences like this. I think it has something to do with hearing 13,000 women singing praises to their Lord. I cry every time! (OK, I don't know what's up with the italics. It is not selected!!)

And, you know this is Halloween weekend! The little Fullers were dressed as M & M's. Luke called and informed his Granny a few weeks ago that he was going to be an M & M; and she would need to make his costume. Along with his sisters' and brother's costumes. He got his assertiveness from his Daddy.

After going to half the neighborhood to collect said candy Daddy took the little Fullers to the Southern Guilford football game. They always love going. Luke likes watching the players run and the band march. Anna Brooke tries to mimic the cheerleaders! So cute.

When I came in tonight there were 4 full buckets of candy on the table. Oh my. I hear a new rule in the making. "You must brush your teeth after every piece of candy enjoyed!" I like it.

Here are my little cutie pies. Sarah Belle wanted to be held by her Daddy at the moment. Also, I am sooooo sorry for the cloud that seems to be hanging in the middle of all my pictures. Guess what's on the top of my Christmas wish list?


Jill Lengel said…
I have enjoyed reading your blogs about your precious four. MY Patrick says to tell your Patrick "hello."
JIll Lengel
Granny said…
I bet these are the sweetest m&m's ya'll have ever seen . I wish i could get just a taste of thare sugar. Granny enjoys maing anything far her sweet babies.

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